Supporters of Friends of Forest Home
Cemetery have a unique opportunity
to sponsor the refurbishment of Civil
War veterans' headstones in various
sections throughout the cemetery.
We use a non-toxic, environmentally
safe product recommended by professional
conservators that is specifically formulated for this purpose.
To adopt a veteran's marker, simply browse through the biographies below, make your selection, and click on the "Donate" button. Or if you prefer, email us your choice along with your contact information (by clicking here) so that we may reserve your selection. Then, mail your check made payable to "Friends of Forest Home Cemetery" to: Paula Christiansen,
108 W. South St., Greenville MI 48838.
Upon completion, you'll receive
a photo of the cleaned headstone
and you can be proud to know
that you played a part in
keeping the memory of these
veterans "green."